Travel expert lists 7 things you must never eat or drink on a plane

Travel Expert Highlights 7 Foods and Drinks to Avoid While Flying
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Travelling by plane can be an exciting experience, but did you know that what you eat and drink while on board can impact your health and comfort during the journey? Dawn Morwood, the director of Cheap Deals Away, has revealed seven items that everyone should steer clear of when flying. She points out that the reduced oxygen levels, low air pressure, and dry cabin air can have adverse effects on the body, leading to digestion issues, dehydration, and overall discomfort.

According to Dawn, many travellers make mistakes when choosing in-flight meals and snacks, unknowingly opting for foods that can worsen bloating, dehydration, and discomfort. To help passengers make better choices, Dawn has outlined what to avoid when flying:

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Caffeine: While caffeine may be a popular choice for early mornings, it can be dehydrating and increase anxiety, especially at high altitudes. Swap your coffee for herbal tea or decaf options to stay hydrated and relaxed during your flight.
Alcohol: Although a cocktail may seem tempting, alcohol can worsen dehydration in the already dry cabin air, leading to headaches, fatigue, and disrupted sleep. Stick to water or electrolyte-rich drinks like coconut water to maintain hydration.
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Salty and Processed Snacks: Plane food is typically high in sodium to compensate for dulled taste buds at high altitudes. Adding salted nuts or processed snacks can exacerbate bloating and fluid retention. Opt for unsalted nuts, oatcakes, or fresh fruit for a healthier snack.
Fried and Fast Food: Greasy, fried foods are harder to digest, increasing the likelihood of heartburn and sluggishness. High-fat meals can also cause water retention, leaving you feeling bloated mid-flight. Choose lean proteins and whole grains for a lighter option.
Cruciferous Vegetables and Legumes: While nutritious, foods like beans, lentils, and broccoli can cause bloating at altitude due to the low cabin pressure. Opt for cooked spinach, courgettes, or carrots for a gentler veggie fix.
Carbonated Drinks: Fizzy drinks introduce extra gas into your digestive system, leading to discomfort and bloating, particularly with changes in cabin pressure. Stick to still water or herbal teas for a more soothing choice.
Heavy Carbs and Sugary Treats: Foods like pasta and pastries can cause blood sugar crashes, leaving you tired and irritable mid-flight. Choose complex carbohydrates for sustained energy, such as whole grains or oat-based snacks.

Dawn emphasises the importance of staying hydrated and opting for whole foods to ensure a comfortable flight experience. She recommends bringing along snacks like oatcakes, unsalted nuts, and dark chocolate to stay energised during long-haul flights. By making mindful choices and avoiding heavy, salty, and dehydrating foods and drinks, passengers can support their digestion and overall well-being while in the air.

As air travel continues to be a popular mode of transportation, being mindful of what you consume onboard can contribute to a more pleasant and comfortable journey. Next time you fly, consider the impact of your food and beverage choices to ensure a smoother and healthier travel experience.