Couple surprised to find sheep wandering around calmly on their roof

A surprising incident left a couple in Wales astounded when they discovered sheep casually wandering around on their roof. Kristen Jackson, 28, and Daniel Payne, 33, were taken aback when they heard unusual noises around 8 am on Thursday (August 15). Initially assuming it was pigeons, they eventually investigated and were met with an unexpected sight.

Kristen narrated, “I was working from home, and my partner had the day off. I heard lots of scuffling on the roof. I woke my partner up, asking if he heard it. He thought it was probably just birds, as we often hear wood pigeons due to the nearby woods. However, the sound seemed much heavier and lasted for some time.”

Curious about the source of the commotion, Kristen ventured outside in her dressing gown, only to find four sheep casually roaming on their roof. She chuckled, rushed back inside to grab her phone for a photo, and called her partner outside to witness the unusual sight. Despite knowing how the sheep had accessed the roof, the couple was both amused and surprised by the scene before them.

Having lived in the house since June 2023, Kristen shared that while sheep and cows had wandered nearby in the past, seeing them on the roof was a first. Reflecting on the incident, she added, “I’m relieved they didn’t cause any damage or fall off the edges, given the significant drop. When they noticed us, the sheep got scared, quickly descended from the roof, and made their way back towards the fields uphill.”

The quirky episode left Kristen and Daniel amused by the unexpected visitors on their roof, adding a memorable twist to their day in Wales.