How can I look after my mental health and wellbeing?

The period we are living through is difficult for many. Looking after your mental health and wellbeing may be more challenging than usual because of work or financial worries and not being able to see friends and family as you usually would.
A lot of people have felt sad, stressed, confused, scared or angry during the pandemic. If you have concerns, try to talk to others rather than dealing with them on your own.
Whether you’re feeling lonely or want to talk to someone about your mental health, there are organisations and voluntary groups who can help you.
The Public Health Wales how are you doing? campaign offers advice and support on looking after yourself by staying physically healthy, keeping connected and thinking and coping differently. It tells you the best organisation to help depending on your personal situation.
If you are in crisis, know you are not alone and help is available. Call the Samaritans on 116 123 or 999 if you need urgent medical assistance.
Services have been extended so everyone in Wales can access mental health support either online or by telephone.
CALL mental health listening line
Provides a confidential mental health listening and emotional support line which is open 24/7. CALL mental health listening line can also signpost to support in local communities and a range of online information. Call 0800132737, text ‘help’ to 81066.
SilverCloud is an online course which offers support for anxiety, depression, and much more, all based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). Anyone aged 16 or over can sign up.
Loneliness can affect anyone at any age.
SupportLine provides a confidential telephone helpline offering emotional support to any individual on any issue -01708 765200 (hours vary so ring for details).
Age Cymru also provide free telephone friendship calls for people in Wales who are 70 or over. Please call 0300 303 44 98 open Monday to Friday 9:00am to 4:00pm.
Beat eating disorders helpline
Beat provides helplines and information for adults and young people, offering a supportive environment to talk about eating disorders and how to get help. Call 0808 801 0677.
Mind Active Monitoring
Provides six weeks guided self-help for, anxiety, depression, self-esteem, and more. To get started, talk to your GP, any other health professional, or sign up directly.
Activate Your Life
The ACTivate Your Life online video course shares practical ways to cope with thoughts and feelings causing distress, and helps you to live life with more confidence.
Young person’s mental health toolkit
The young person’s mental health toolkit links young people, aged 11 to 25, to websites, apps, helplines, and more to build resilience.
Supporting others
Helping others in their time of need can benefit you both. Checking in on those who live alone in your community is important. Do this safely by giving them a call or keeping in touch through social media.
Dealing with domestic abuse and sexual violence in the home
If you are experiencing, or know someone who is experiencing domestic abuse and sexual violence whilst staying at home, visit Live Fear Free for advice (including online chat). Or call the helpline on 0808 80 10 800. This service is available 24/7.
You can also make a silent call to the police – dial 999 – then 55 if you can’t talk.