Swansea’s long-standing Christmas tradition of the annual pantomime, held at the historic Grand Theatre, continues to captivate audiences of all ages. This year’s production of “Jack and the Beanstalk,” presented by award-winning Imagine Theatre, promises a delightful journey to ‘Merry Mumbles’. The story follows The Trotts, a family facing financial hardship and a fearsome giant threatening the village, as they contemplate selling their cherished cow, Buttercup. Headlining this festive extravaganza is Scott Mills, known for his recent role as the new BBC Radio Two breakfast host, portraying the character Mayor Mills as he swaps the radio booth for ‘Merry Mumbles FM’. Mills doesn’t shy away from adding a sprinkle of humour with a cheeky Zoe Ball joke, referencing his takeover of the show from the former presenter. He also embraces the local lingo and injects the performance with witty one-liners, creating a unique and engaging atmosphere for the audience.
A familiar face in the music industry, Mark Read of A1 fame, steps into the role of Jack Trot, bringing his charisma to the stage and even treating fans to a rendition of the band’s hit “Take On Me.” Alongside him is Christina Harris as Jill, showcasing their on-stage chemistry. However, it is the comedic duo of Matt Edwards and Kevin Johns that steals the show with their impeccable timing and energy. Edwards, known for his Britain’s Got Talent magic act, delights the audience with his slapstick humour, while Johns, a beloved Swansea icon and matchday announcer for Swansea City, shines in his role as Dame Tilly Trott, eliciting laughs with his witty banter and playful antics. The cast also includes Celyn Cartwright as Fairy Ffion and Jo Osmond as baddie Poison Ivy, who adds depth and drama to the storyline with her mesmerising performance of Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way.”
The production is not without its share of traditional panto elements, featuring sing-along classics like “Build Me Up Buttercup” and “Total Eclipse of The Heart,” as well as a cow-punned medley of jukebox hits. The visual spectacle is heightened by the impressive digital set, seamlessly transporting the audience from one scene to another. Lighting designer Jamie Corbidge enhances key moments, such as the face-off between Jack and the giant, adding a dramatic flair to the performance. In true panto fashion, audience participation is encouraged, with plenty of opportunities for cheers, boos, and laughter.
Moreover, this year’s pantomime supports charitable causes like the National Autistic Society and the Lord Mayor’s Charity, underscoring the spirit of giving and community engagement. Audience members are encouraged to contribute to these initiatives as they exit the theatre. With a history dating back to 1947, Swansea Grand’s pantomime tradition only grows more robust with each passing year, providing families with a memorable and entertaining experience. So, gather your loved ones, make your way to the theatre, and immerse yourself in the magic of “Jack and the Beanstalk,” running at Swansea Grand Theatre until Sunday, January 5. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a cherished Swansea Christmas tradition that continues to enchant audiences with its timeless appeal and festive cheer.