Six signs that could mean your child is vaping
The use of vapes amongst school children is on the rise, with figures showing an increase in the number of Welsh schoolchildren using vapes. While most school-going children in Wales do not vape, the number of those who do has been steadily rising in recent years. The Schools Health Research Network (SHRN) and Public Health Wales have released figures indicating that over 45% of year 11 students have tried a vape, with more than a quarter of all students in Years 7 to 11 admitting to trying vapes. Additionally, 7% of these students have reported vaping regularly, with girls more likely to vape than boys. Year 11 students are the most frequent users compared to younger age groups, with 15.9% reporting regular usage.
Despite the legal age restriction of 18 for the sale of vapes, the number of children using vapes continues to increase. Therefore, it is important for parents to recognise the signs that their children might be vaping. Mary-Ann McKibben, a consultant in Public Health for Public Health Wales, highlighted the need for parents to address the issue with their children, given the rising trend of vaping among young people.
While there are no definitive signs that your child is vaping, some indicators to watch for include the sweet scents of vapes like vanilla or bubble gum. Mood changes such as increased irritability, jitteriness, or unexplained mood swings could suggest a nicotine addiction. Other signs to look out for include dry mouth leading to constant thirst, increased coughing, and familiarity with vape device appearances like those resembling pens or flash drives, which can be easily concealed.
The guide by Public Health Wales stresses the importance of open communication with children regarding vaping. It recommends staying calm, choosing an appropriate time for discussion, and approaching the subject with a positive outlook. Rather than jumping to conclusions, having a conversation with your child about vaping can provide insight into their potential habits. If a parent discovers vape devices in their child’s possession, it is advisable to address the issue calmly and discuss the risks associated with vaping.
Parents are encouraged to talk to their children about vaping or seek guidance on what steps to take if they suspect their child is vaping. Initiating a dialogue with children about the dangers of vaping and its effects on health is essential in addressing this growing concern. Furthermore, resources like Help Me Quit are available to support individuals looking to quit vaping. By being proactive and aware of the signs, parents can play a vital role in preventing their children from vaping and promoting healthy choices.
In conclusion, the increasing prevalence of vaping among young people underscores the importance of parental awareness and communication regarding this issue. By recognising the signs of vaping and engaging in open discussions with their children, parents can help steer them away from harmful habits. Taking proactive steps to address vaping and providing support for those seeking to quit can contribute to promoting a healthier lifestyle for young individuals.