Paddy Doherty, a star of the hit TV show “My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding,” has declared his intention to take action following scenes reminiscent of “Nazi Germany” at a Christmas market in Manchester. The controversy erupted after reports emerged of young individuals, believed to be part of the Traveller community, being prevented from attending the festive celebrations by Greater Manchester Police (GMP). Videos circulated online showed youths being escorted by police back onto trains and voices questioning the need for such actions, drawing stark comparisons to historical events. Paddy Doherty, the face of the upcoming protest march, has called for a ‘peaceful protest’ to address the alleged mistreatment.
The Traveller Movement, a group advocating for Traveller rights, expressed shock and dismay over the incidents at the Manchester Christmas market. They labelled the police actions as “shocking” and “completely unacceptable,” emphasizing the distress caused to children and their families. In response, Greater Manchester Police defended their actions, citing concerns for public safety amid reports of anti-social behaviour in the city centre. The controversy has prompted calls for an official investigation, with public figures like Kate Green, the deputy mayor of Greater Manchester, urging for a thorough examination of the events that unfolded.
Paddy Doherty condemned the treatment of the youths, decrying it as reminiscent of a dark chapter in history. He likened the actions to those seen in “Nazi Germany,” highlighting the fear and confusion experienced by the children forced onto trains. Doherty is adamant about making a stand against such treatment, stressing the need for respect and equal rights for all. The planned protest in Manchester is expected to draw a significant crowd, with Doherty calling for a peaceful demonstration to amplify their voices. The 65-year-old former Celebrity Big Brother winner underscored the importance of unity in the face of perceived injustice.
Amidst the growing backlash, there is a push for accountability and dialogue to address the underlying issues at play. The Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Gypsies, Travellers, and Roma has called for the Home Office to intervene, underscoring the gravity of the situation. Greater Manchester Police’s Assistant Chief Constable Rick Jackson reiterated the force’s commitment to public safety while acknowledging the concerns raised by the Traveller community and its supporters. The events at the Christmas market have reignited discussions around discrimination, bias, and the treatment of minority groups, prompting a broader conversation about inclusivity and respect for all members of society.
As preparations intensify for the protest in Manchester, the focus remains on ensuring a peaceful and impactful demonstration. Paddy Doherty’s rallying cry for unity and solidarity underscores the importance of collective action in challenging perceived injustices. With calls for transparency, investigation, and dialogue, the events at the Christmas market have sparked a wider debate about policing, community relations, and the rights of marginalized groups. As the Traveller community prepares to make their voices heard, the spotlight remains on Manchester and the need for dialogue, understanding, and respect within society. The upcoming protest stands as a symbol of resilience and determination in the face of adversity, echoing a broader call for equality and justice for all.