‘Bully and thug’ told his victim he was a policeman – before telling officers ‘beautiful’

A man who was described as a “bully and thug” pretended to be a police officer while robbing a stranger outside his apartment block before being arrested for assaulting his wife, a court heard. Jaroslaw Pecherzewski, a former IT worker, has a history of violence against his partner, including instances where he punched and shook her forcefully, leaving bruises. Swansea Crown Court sentenced the 56-year-old to 15 months in prison, with a judge highlighting his temper issues when under the influence of alcohol.

The court was informed that on July 15, the victim arrived at the Griffith John Street flats in Swansea carrying a holdall with his belongings, intending to stay with a friend. Upon encountering Pecherzewski outside the building, the victim was met with unfriendly and intimidating behaviour. Pecherzewski claimed to be a police officer, forcefully took the victim’s bag, and blocked his attempts to retrieve it, causing the victim to feel threatened and report the robbery to the police.

Police responded to reports of Pecherzewski assaulting his wife later that evening at the same location and found the stolen holdall outside his flat. CCTV footage identified Pecherzewski as the perpetrator of the robbery. During his arrest, Pecherzewski responded by saying “beautiful.” In court, Pecherzewski admitted to the robbery and a separate assault on his partner, for which he had already received an eight-week prison sentence from magistrates.

Pecherzewski’s defence highlighted his alcohol issues and efforts to seek help, acknowledging his struggles to recognise the negative impact on his life. The court noted his previous convictions for domestic violence, with the judge condemning his violent behaviour towards his wife. Despite his wife’s support, the judge emphasised that no one should endure such violence, sentencing Pecherzewski to 15 months in prison with eligibility for early release on license.

For domestic abuse support in Wales, individuals can reach out to the Live Fear Free helpline or Refuge charity for advice, assistance, and refuge options. This case underscores the serious consequences of domestic violence and the importance of seeking help and support to break the cycle of abuse and violence.