Expert says use kitchen waste product to keep slugs out as ‘they hate it’

Expert Suggests Using Kitchen Waste Product to Repel Slugs as They Dislike It

As the weather transitions to cooler and wetter days, the issue of dealing with slugs becomes more prevalent. The UK has earned the title of the ‘Slug Capital of the World,’ with about 200 slugs per cubic metre of soil, as noted by experts. Although slugs lay eggs throughout the year, they are most active during early spring and autumn. To combat these pesky creatures from entering homes, the household specialists at Online Carpets have compiled a list of their top five natural methods to deter slugs.

To prevent slugs from entering your house, the first step is to block their entry points effectively. Slugs, being boneless, can squeeze through tiny openings. Check for any cracks or gaps in windows and door frames that may act as entry points for slugs. Seal these gaps with an appropriate sealant to obstruct their way in. Since slugs are resilient in finding paths into homes, ensuring all potential entryways are sealed is crucial.

Identify and address areas of dampness or condensation within the house where slugs may be attracted. Slugs are drawn to moist environments, so fixing leaky pipes, damp spots, or condensation build-up can help deter them. Older homes with original wall constructions may be more susceptible to slug invasions. Implementing damp traps or dehumidifiers can help eliminate excessive moisture, making the environment less appealing to slugs. Additionally, clearing out any food residue or pet food can reduce their attraction.

Using copper tape is another effective method to repel slugs. Slugs are sensitive to copper because of the Hemocyanin proteins in their bodies. Maintaining proximity to copper can hinder oxygen transportation within their bodies. By placing copper tape at entryways or window sills where slugs may attempt to enter, you create a barrier that deters their passage. It is important to clean the copper tape regularly with vinegar to prevent tarnishing and ensure its effectiveness against slugs.

Creating a natural spray using strong-smelling plants like lavender can also discourage slugs. Lavender, known for its slug-resistant properties and low toxicity to humans, can be strategically placed at entry points or sprayed around the house to create a scent barrier against slugs. Another plant option is rosemary, which can also help in repelling slugs. Utilising lavender oil in a spray bottle for indoor and outdoor surfaces can aid in keeping slugs away.

For coffee enthusiasts, using coffee grounds can act as a natural barrier against slugs. Sprinkling ground coffee beans, preferably with higher caffeine content, at entry points to your home can deter slugs. It is essential to use ground coffee beans rather than instant coffee granules for this purpose. Some coffee shops may provide coffee grounds from their machines for free if requested, making it an easily accessible slug deterrent solution.

In conclusion, with these natural methods suggested by experts, households can effectively keep slugs at bay during the slug-active seasons. By implementing these techniques, homeowners can safeguard their living spaces from unwanted slug intrusions and maintain a more slug-resistant environment.