I had a full body private health check — the results shocked me into action

I recently underwent a full-body private health check, and the results were so shocking that they prompted me to take immediate action. While we are diligent about taking our cars for an MOT, we often overlook the importance of regular health check-ups until a serious issue arises. Research shows that being aware of poor health indicators early on significantly increases the chances of making necessary lifestyle changes or seeking help before conditions worsen.

My initial NHS health check at 40 was comprehensive, but a follow-up five years later did not go smoothly. Despite elevated cholesterol levels, I was not provided with detailed follow-up information. Concerned about my health, especially regarding the impact of high cholesterol on dementia risk, I decided to undergo a comprehensive health assessment at a BUPA clinic.

The “Be Motivated” health check I chose included various tests such as blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and body measurements. The immediate results, along with a detailed report sent via email, allowed me to understand my current health status thoroughly. The assessment highlighted areas needing improvement, such as my BMI, body composition, and triglyceride levels.

While some results were positive, showing low risks for certain health conditions, others, like elevated triglycerides and high blood pressure, were concerning. Learning about the impact of diet on my health was eye-opening, and I immediately started making lifestyle changes. Since the assessment, I have lost weight and adopted healthier eating habits and increased my physical activity.

The health assessment also provided clear guidance on addressing specific health issues, such as reducing saturated fats and refined sugars in my diet. I have committed to a whole food diet, organic choices, and regular exercise to improve my health. Following up with a coach and scheduling a retest in six months are part of my plan to maintain a healthier lifestyle. I look forward to seeing how my efforts will positively impact my health in the future.

Overall, the health assessment was a wake-up call that motivated me to make positive changes to lead a healthier life. By monitoring my progress, making sustainable lifestyle modifications, and staying motivated, I aim to improve my health and well-being in the long run. Stay tuned for updates on my health journey in the coming months!