Doing one simple task three times a week can lower blood pressure and heart attack risk

Doing one simple task three times a week can lower blood pressure and heart attack risk, according to a report by Wales Online. The article emphasizes the importance of incorporating this easy routine into your weekly schedule for significant health benefits. Sauna bathing is highlighted as the key activity that can lead to improved health outcomes, beyond just relaxation.

Experts suggest that sauna bathing can have a positive impact on lowering blood pressure and reducing the risk of heart attacks. Sauna therapy involves exposing the body to dry heat ranging from 158F to 212F, causing heavy sweating and an increase in heart rate. This process leads to the opening of blood vessels, improved circulation, and reduced stress levels, similar to the effects of low to moderate exercise.

Research cited in the report indicates that sauna bathing can immediately lower blood pressure. The experts recommend using the sauna for 15 minutes after a workout, at least three times a week, for better results. Moreover, regular sauna use has been linked to a decreased risk of heart disease, with participants who visited saunas frequently experiencing lower death rates from heart disease and stroke.

To maximize the benefits of sauna bathing, it is important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water before, during, and after the session. Experts advise against spending more than 20 minutes in the sauna and caution against consuming alcohol before or during the session, as it can lead to dehydration. Additionally, sauna bathing is said to help lower high blood cholesterol levels, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease.

Overall, incorporating sauna bathing into one’s routine a few times a week can have a significant positive impact on cardiovascular health. The simple act of sitting in a sauna is highlighted as a beneficial practice that can contribute to improved overall well-being. Consult with healthcare professionals before making significant changes to your health routine.