Mum of seriously ill teenager is ‘fighting losing battle’ to get answers

A mother is desperately seeking answers regarding her seriously ill teenage daughter’s health condition. Keira Passey, a previously healthy 16-year-old, began experiencing severe headaches which quickly escalated to loss of vision and balance. After multiple hospital visits, Keira was diagnosed with a rare and serious brain condition known as Fulminant idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH). This condition causes high pressure around the brain and can lead to severe symptoms like severe vision loss.

Despite the severity of Keira’s condition, her mother, Jodie Passey, felt frustrated by the lack of prompt diagnosis and treatment. Keira was initially turned away from hospitals before finally receiving a diagnosis in 2023. The journey continued to be challenging, with Keira experiencing new concerning symptoms that Jodie claims were not thoroughly investigated by medical professionals.

Jodie recounts the nightmare starting in June 2023 when Keira’s headaches began. Despite a large cyst being found on her brain, Keira was turned away from hospitals multiple times until her condition worsened significantly. Jodie was shocked by the lack of urgency in Keira’s treatment, leading her to seek help from another hospital, where Keira was diagnosed with Fulminant IIH and underwent emergency surgery.

After successful treatment, Keira started experiencing new symptoms in October 2023, including numbness in her arm, hand, face, and head. Despite seeking medical attention, Jodie claims that the neurology team did not authorize further investigations or scans. Frustrated by the lack of answers, Jodie took matters into her own hands and set up a GoFundMe to seek private consultation for Keira’s care.

With the help of donations, Jodie aims to get a private consultant who can provide the necessary medical investigations, including MRI scans of Keira’s brain and spine. The family has faced significant emotional and financial challenges due to Keira’s health struggles, with Jodie highlighting the impact on their daily lives and mental well-being.

The Aneurin Bevan University Health Board expressed regret over the family’s dissatisfaction with Keira’s care and assured that multiple specialists are involved in her treatment. Jodie continues to advocate for her daughter’s health, emphasizing the importance of obtaining accurate diagnoses and appropriate medical interventions to ensure Keira’s well-being.

The story of Keira and Jodie Passey serves as a reminder of the challenges faced by families navigating complex health issues and the importance of timely and comprehensive medical care in such circumstances.