Man secretly filmed woman performing sex act on him

A man has been sentenced after secretly filming a woman performing oral sex on him without her knowledge. Samuel Ace, a 21-year-old from Woodville Road in Mumbles, Swansea, shared the video with another individual during a “sexual conversation”. The incident took place in 2023, and the victim, who was under 18 at the time, was filmed without her consent. Although the sex act was consensual and legal, the victim was unaware of being recorded. The court heard that Ace had recorded the act to satisfy his own sexual desires.

During the sentencing at Swansea Crown Court, Ace’s barrister mentioned that the act was a result of his client’s foolishness as a young man. The defence also highlighted the shift in social norms regarding recording and sharing photos due to technological advancements. Despite acknowledging his wrongdoing, Ace was placed on the sex offenders register for the next five years.

The victim expressed feeling degraded, embarrassed, and ashamed of being filmed without consent. She mentioned undergoing counselling to deal with the emotional impact of the incident. Ace, with no prior convictions, was given an 18-month community order with a rehabilitation course requirement and 50 hours of unpaid work. Recorder Greg Bull KC deemed the offence as serious, emphasizing Ace’s awareness of the wrongdoing and the sincerity of his remorse.

The court refrained from pursuing a distribution charge against Ace, given his admission of sharing the video with another person. The female depicted in the video is granted lifelong legal anonymity. Access to support services is highlighted for those impacted by issues related to sexual abuse. Several organisations offer assistance to survivors of sexual abuse, including counselling, helplines, and advocacy services.

As the legal process unfolds, individuals are urged to seek support if they have been victims of abuse. Through various charities and organisations, help is available to those affected by such traumatic experiences. The severity of Ace’s actions serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting consent and the privacy of individuals in all circumstances involving intimacy.