Prince Harry asks ‘why?’ when it comes to major decision made by governments

Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, has been advocating for governments to involve young people more in major decision-making processes and has urged older generations to listen more attentively. Speaking at the Concordia Annual Summit in New York, Prince Harry emphasised the importance of incorporating young voices in shaping policies that directly impact their future. He stressed the need for greater sensitivity in engaging young individuals in discussions on significant issues, particularly related to mental health.

During the summit, Prince Harry engaged in a conversation about the challenges facing young people today with two Diana Award recipients, Christiana Williams and Chiara Riyanti Hutapea Zhang. Reflecting on the global landscape with over 110 ongoing conflicts, Prince Harry expressed concerns about the constant trauma and terror experienced by young individuals worldwide. He proposed that governments should proactively involve young people in decision-making processes to address issues before they escalate, emphasizing the need for early-stage engagement for effective solutions.

Prince Harry commended the younger generation for instilling hope and courage in him, recognising their pivotal role in driving positive change in the world. He urged for continuous listening to young voices and acting upon their advice and visions to prevent the detriment of their future. Emphasising the importance of empowering youth in policy-making, Prince Harry questioned why this inclusive approach is not more widespread globally.

Prince Harry’s call for greater youth involvement in governance aligns with his ongoing advocacy work on mental health and youth empowerment. By amplifying the voices of young individuals and emphasising their role in shaping decisions that affect them, Prince Harry aims to inspire positive change and foster a more inclusive and sustainable future for all.