Woman dead, four people in hospital after Asian hornet attack

A tragic incident in Brittany has resulted in the death of a woman and hospitalization of four others due to an attack by Asian Hornets. The group of hikers encountered a nest of these killer insects near Pleudihen-sur-Rance, with the 77-year-old woman succumbing to multiple stings, leading to cardiac arrest. Emergency services responded, but the woman was declared dead at the scene. Four other members of the group also suffered multiple stings and had to be taken to the hospital, with one woman, aged 68, currently in intensive care.

Local authorities have sealed off the hiking trail where the nest was found in order to destroy it and prevent further incidents. This particular nest was reported to have attacked a resident of the town earlier, causing multiple stings before he managed to escape. Asian Hornets are known to become agitated when disturbed, leading to potentially dangerous situations for humans.

While human casualties from such attacks are rare, concerns have been raised about public safety as Asian Hornets have established a presence in the UK. Efforts have been ongoing to control the spread of these invasive insects, which first appeared in Europe in 2004 and were later spotted in the British Isles. The battle to protect native bee populations from the destructive effects of Asian Hornets continues, with recent sightings along the Kent coastline raising fears of new entry points into mainland Britain.

The incident serves as a sobering reminder of the potential dangers posed by these predatory insects and the importance of continued vigilance in monitoring and managing their presence. Authorities and experts emphasise the need for caution when encountering nests of Asian Hornets to prevent further tragedies and safeguard public well-being.