Student with pigeon phobia returns home to find one has built a nest in his flat and laid eggs on his settee

A student with a phobia of pigeons was in for a surprise when he returned to his flat in Nottingham to find one had taken up residence, built a nest, and laid eggs on his settee. Josiah Hunsu, a 19-year-old economics student, had been away in London over the summer and was back to move out of his hall of residence when he made the bizarre discovery. Upon entering his flat, Josiah first noticed a large beetle in the hallway but didn’t think much of it. It wasn’t until he reached the shared kitchen that he was confronted with a messy scene of bird droppings all over the counters and floor, with a pigeon casually perched on his sofa, surrounded by branches it had collected to build its nest through an open window.

Shocked and bewildered, Josiah captured the moment on camera, expressing his disbelief at the pigeon’s audacity. He quickly retreated and sought help from the reception desk, where he and a friend enlisted the aid of the receptionists to deal with the unexpected guest. In a humorous turn of events, the receptionists managed to shoo the pigeon away, revealing two eggs hidden beneath the sofa. Josiah described the bird as being territorial over its eggs, requiring multiple attempts to coax it out of the flat.

Josiah admitted that the incident triggered his pigeon phobia, stemming from a previous encounter where a pigeon had flown into his room and left a mess. He recounted his reaction to the surprising situation, highlighting his fear and anxiety at the sight of the pigeon and its nest in his kitchen. Despite his efforts to scare the bird off, it wasn’t until the receptionists intervened that the pigeon finally vacated the premises, leaving behind its eggs. Josiah and the team then safely relocated the eggs outside the flat.

Having faced problems with pigeons entering through the window before, Josiah was particularly shaken by this incident, which exacerbated his fear of the birds. Reflecting on the unnerving experience, he shared his discomfort and panic at the situation, revealing that the pigeon’s intrusion had left him feeling on edge. Though ultimately resolved, the unexpected visit from the pigeon left Josiah with a memorable story to recount and reinforced his aversion to the feathered creatures.