Pub ordered to rip out decking it added for safety after child was almost hit by vehicle

A seaside pub in Pembrokeshire has been ordered to remove decking that was installed for safety reasons after a child had a near-miss with a vehicle. The Hibernia Inn, located in Angle, had put up wooden decking at the front of the pub following the incident earlier this year. The pub’s owner, Kath Lunn, applied for retrospective planning permission from Pembrokeshire Coast National Park to keep the decking in place. The application came after a national park enforcement investigation.

The decking was initially intended to enhance safety for customers after a child almost got hit by a passing vehicle. Ms. Lunn explained that there was a “very close miss” when a diner’s child ran onto the road and narrowly avoided an accident. The decision to install the decking was made to prevent such incidents in the future. However, concerns were raised about the design by the park’s building conservation officer, who suggested an alternative approach involving a traditional wall and landscaped frontage.

Despite the safety concerns raised by the pub owner, the park’s planning officers recommended refusal of the retrospective planning application. They cited the impact the decking would have on Angle’s Conservation Area as the primary reason for the decision. The conservation officer highlighted that the decking did not align with the character and appearance of the conservation area and neighboring listed buildings. The officers deemed the decking to be visually intrusive and not in harmony with the surroundings.

While the pub’s intentions were focused on safety, the park’s emphasis on preserving the character of the area led to the rejection of the decking. The conservation officer’s proposal for an alternative scheme did not sway the decision, as the authorities insisted on maintaining the integrity of Angle’s Conservation Area. The pub will now have to remove the decking, despite their efforts to create a safer environment for patrons.

In light of the decision, the pub will need to find a different solution to ensure the safety of its customers while complying with the regulations set forth by Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. The dispute over the decking highlights the challenges businesses face in balancing safety concerns with conservation requirements in historically significant areas.