Two thirds of Brits consider themselves risk-takers – take the quiz to find out if you’re one of them

Two-thirds of Brits see themselves as risk-takers, a recent study of 2,000 adults has revealed. The study identified the top 30 risks that Britons take on a regular basis. These risks range from commonplace actions such as consuming expired food to more daring behaviours like stepping out without an umbrella on a changeable day. Other examples of risks include entering a restaurant without a reservation, crossing the road on a red light, and driving through an amber traffic signal.

Moreover, Brits were found to engage in various risky activities such as running from the shower to another room for a towel, having coffee before bedtime, and hanging laundry outside without checking the weather forecast. A spokesperson for Lottoland, the company that commissioned the research, emphasised that Britons are inherently inclined towards taking small risks in their daily lives. They highlighted that while some risks like trying a fancy restaurant without a booking can lead to positive outcomes, other actions such as going out without bank cards are best avoided.

The survey further highlighted that 65% of individuals consider themselves as risk-takers in their everyday routines. Interestingly, 27% of participants admitted to not always thinking through the consequences of their actions, although 96% shared instances where taking a risk had paid off. The research also revealed that around 20% of respondents were more inclined to take risks in their social life compared to only 6% who would consider gambling in their professional sphere. Nevertheless, 42% expressed a desire to be more spontaneous or daring, as 52% believed that embracing minor risks adds an element of fun to life.

The spokesperson concluded by affirming the thrill associated with taking chances, especially when they lead to favourable outcomes. They encouraged the notion that a bit of harmless risk-taking can infuse everyday wins with a sense of achievement. While engaging in risk-taking behaviour is part of life’s excitement, ensuring safety and prudence is vital for a balanced approach. The study’s findings offer an intriguing insight into the risk propensity of Brits and their attitudes towards uncertainty.

In a bid to further explore individual risk-taking tendencies, a fun quiz has been developed to help ascertain one’s inclination towards embracing risks. This quiz has been inspired by the study and aims to provide participants with a playful way to discover their risk-taking personality. By probing into everyday scenarios where individuals might take a chance, the quiz offers insights into personal risk thresholds and attitudes towards uncertainty.

The results of the study shed light on the nuanced nature of risk-taking behaviour among Brits, underscoring the significance of striking a balance between adventurous spirit and prudent decision-making. As individuals navigate daily choices that involve an element of risk, the study serves as a reminder of the diverse ways in which people approach uncertainty and the outcomes that may arise from taking calculated risks in different spheres of life.