Woman shocked by £28,000 call over cousin she’d not seen in 20 years

Joan Williams, a retired teacher living in France, was astonished when she received a phone call notifying her that she had inherited £28,000 from a long-lost cousin she hadn’t seen in over 20 years. The call came from Finders International, a firm known for their work on cases like this, after Joan’s cousin Allan Reay passed away at the age of 74 in a nursing home without leaving a will. As Allan had no known next of kin, Joan became a beneficiary of his estate.

Despite her initial skepticism, Joan’s son confirmed the legitimacy of the call, and she was surprised by the unexpected windfall. Joan, originally from Marshe-by-the-Sea, North Yorkshire, but currently residing in France, expressed her disbelief at the situation. She plans to use the money for a holiday or possibly a cruise with her husband. Allan, who never married and had no children, lived in Gateshead, Tyne and Wear, in the property where he grew up with his parents.

Joan recalled Allan as a friendly individual and mentioned exchanging Christmas cards with him over the years, despite losing touch for several decades. Finders International, through their efforts in tracking down potential beneficiaries, highlighted the presence of approximately 6,000 unclaimed estates in England and Wales. CEO Simonne Llewellyn emphasized that while these scenarios may seem unexpected, they are not uncommon, underscoring the importance of firms like Finders International in ensuring rightful inheritances.

The story of Joan’s inheritance serves as a reminder of the complexities surrounding unclaimed estates and the intricate connections that resurface after many years of separation. As individuals navigate life’s uncertainties, the unexpected can sometimes lead to surprising outcomes, such as inheriting a substantial sum from a distant relative. Joan’s experience sheds light on the work of firms like Finders International, who diligently seek out rightful heirs to prevent assets from being lost to the treasury.

In a world where personal histories intertwine and fade away, Joan’s story stands out as a testament to the unforeseen twists and turns that life can take. As she prepares to embark on a well-deserved holiday with her unexpected inheritance, Joan’s journey serves as a reminder of the unexpected surprises that may await us, even after decades of separation from long-lost family members.