Dr Federica Amati says to eat £1.80 ‘superfood’ which lowers cholesterol and inflammation ‘every day’

A leading nutritional scientist has highlighted the benefits of a “superfood” that she recommends consuming every day for its positive impact on health. Dr Federica Amati, author of Every Body Should Know This and head nutritionist at Zoe, emphasised the advantages of incorporating blueberries into one’s daily diet. Available for £1.80 per 150g punnet at Tesco, blueberries are praised for their numerous health benefits, according to Dr Amati.

Speaking on her Instagram page, Dr Amati underlined the valuable properties of blueberries, stating, “Blueberries are touted as some superfood that we should be consuming every day. I have to say that evidence is really good, that blueberries are a great fruit to add to your daily diet.” However, she also stressed the importance of maintaining a diverse diet that includes a variety of fruits alongside blueberries.

Furthermore, Dr Amati suggested exploring other fruits to complement the consumption of blueberries. She discussed the various health benefits of blueberries, such as being high in fibre, which promotes gut health and reduces inflammation, containing essential plant chemicals like polyphenols – specifically anthocyanins, crucial for nervous system protection, and serving as an excellent source of vitamin K, essential for heart health and blood clotting.

Recent research published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition revealed additional health benefits of blueberries. The study demonstrated that blueberries aid in improving blood pressure, endothelial function, and arterial stiffness, making them a valuable addition to one’s diet. Despite the increasing popularity of blueberries leading to soaring prices, Professor Tim Spector, a nutritional scientist, suggested considering more affordable alternatives. He recommended seasonal berries as a source of similar beneficial compounds found in blueberries.

Professor Spector pointed out, “Blueberries are a source of polyphenols that our gut flora love. But you can get the same compounds from any seasonal berries, which are often cheaper.” Additionally, he recommended opting for frozen organic blueberries, which are cost-effective and rich in health-promoting polyphenols. Incorporating polyphenols into one’s diet is known to benefit the stomach microbiome, reduce inflammation, and contribute to the prevention of conditions like dementia, arthritis, and diabetes.

In conclusion, blueberries have been recognised as an essential superfood with numerous health benefits. By incorporating this fruit into a balanced diet alongside a variety of other fruits, individuals can enjoy improved overall health and well-being.