‘I changed my diet, lost three stone and my menopause symptoms vanished’

A Welsh woman, Sandra Georgeson, found relief from her menopause symptoms after making significant changes to her diet that resulted in a weight loss of three stone. Sandra, a therapist and owner of an adoption support agency, had been struggling with lethargy, low moods, irregular periods, and night sweats due to the perimenopause phase. Battling belly fat that wouldn’t shift, Sandra felt skeptical when a neighbour suggested trying out the Zoe membership, a science and nutrition-based programme providing dietary recommendations tailored to individual gut microbiome, blood sugar levels, and fat metabolism.

Following personalised dietary suggestions from the Zoe app based on her test results, Sandra was surprised to discover that she processed fat efficiently. This revelation allowed her to enjoy full-fat products like Greek yogurt and incorporate nuts into her daily routine. With the app’s delicious vegetarian recipes, Sandra increased her intake of lentils and beans, making tweaks to her already healthy diet. As a result, Sandra successfully shed 2.5 stone, reducing her weight from 13 stone to 10.7 stone. Not only did she experience easy and continuous weight loss without feeling deprived, but her menopause symptoms disappeared.

Sandra expressed that her mood and energy levels evened out, she slept better, and received compliments on her glowing skin and eyes. Feeling more confident and comfortable in size 10 clothes, Sandra attributed her positive transformation to the Zoe programme, which provided her with the freedom to enjoy her favourite foods while effortlessly losing weight and feeling fantastic. The Zoe membership, starting from £25 per month, offers a personalised nutrition plan to enhance health with every meal, making complex science accessible and actionable.