I quit doom scrolling for a week and I wasn’t expecting what happened

I took a break from doom scrolling for a week, and the outcomes were unexpected. As someone who had noticed the increasing prevalence of the term “doom scrolling” in jokes and warnings, I decided to tackle an issue that had been developing for some time. Despite making resolutions to reduce screen time each new year, I found myself constantly attached to my phone, using it everywhere from my pocket to the kitchen counter out of fear of being without it. Realising my reliance on this piece of technology, I made the decision to actively cut back, starting with my doom scrolling addiction.

During this process, I realised the extent of my phone addiction when an older family friend questioned me about it. I decided to avoid watching reels, the short-form video feature that had become a significant part of my screen time, and focused on reducing my reliance on social media. Research on doom scrolling highlighted its negative impact on mental health, prompting me to distance myself from this habit.

As the week progressed, I found myself reaching for my phone less during downtime and rediscovering activities I had neglected. By breaking free from the scrolling cycle, I experienced a newfound sense of organisation and refreshment. Meeting up with friends became more appealing, and I felt more mindful and energised overall.

Reflecting on the experience, I identified three key issues with reels and social media in general. The addictive nature of scrolling can lead to time slipping away unnoticed, reinforcing echo chambers, and impacting mental health by exposing users to negative content. To combat these issues, setting limits on social media usage and prioritising real-life interactions became essential.

Moving forward, I aim to further reduce my reliance on social media and focus on utilising technology as a tool rather than a necessity. By being more mindful of my screen time and adopting healthier digital habits, I hope to maintain a balanced relationship with technology and prioritise activities that enrich my life.

In conclusion, taking a break from doom scrolling allowed me to rediscover the joy of real-world interactions, improve my focus and organisation, and enhance my overall well-being. By recognising the negative impacts of excessive screen time and implementing strategies to limit its influence, I was able to reclaim my time and energy for more fulfilling pursuits.