Drinkers attacked pub customers and staff in row over taking pints outside

A recent incident unfolded at the Eli Jenkins pub in Swansea where a father and son engaged in a violent confrontation with staff and customers. The altercation began when Scott Ball and his son Kurtis Ball were informed by the barman that they could not take their pints outside onto the pavement. In response, Scott Ball brandished a rock in a sock as a weapon, while Kurtis Ball physically assaulted the landlord, insisting they could drink wherever they pleased.

This incident occurred while Scott Ball was on court bail for separate offences, including racially abusing students with a knife in Swansea city centre. Scott Ball, with a history of 84 previous offences, was sentenced to 14 months in prison for affray and possession of an offensive weapon, while Kurtis Ball received a suspended prison sentence. The judge highlighted that Kurtis Ball had the potential for rehabilitation and urged him to aspire to a better example than what he had experienced.

The prosecution detailed that the altercation took place on February 10 at the pub, with the Balls refusing to comply with the bar’s rules and becoming aggressive. Scott Ball threatened to stab individuals while swinging the rock-filled sock, leading to a physical altercation involving other customers. Despite being ejected from the premises, the Balls continued causing a disturbance before being arrested by the police.

Scott Ball, aged 44, of no fixed abode, faced the court with previous convictions for various offences, including weapon possession and assault. In contrast, Kurtis Ball, aged 23, of Llwyncelyn Avenue, Pontarddulais, had a record of convictions related to drugs and assault. The judge acknowledged Kurtis Ball’s troubled past but expressed hope for his rehabilitation, offering a suspended prison sentence, community service, and a rehabilitation course.

The court condemned Scott Ball’s actions, emphasising his deliberate use of a weapon and noting his leading role in the pub incident. Scott Ball’s sentence of 14 months in prison was to run consecutively with his existing two-year jail term. Conversely, Kurtis Ball received a suspended prison sentence, highlighting the potential for a positive change in his life despite his tumultuous history.

In conclusion, the court proceedings underscored the severity of the altercation at the Eli Jenkins pub, with a focus on accountability and the opportunity for rehabilitation, especially for Kurtis Ball in moving towards a more constructive path in life.