Why has Mark Drakeford been so powerful in Wales for so long?

Mark Drakeford’s enduring dominion over Welsh politics has come under scrutiny in light of his recent reappointment to a prominent role within the Welsh Government. Despite the frequent turnover of leadership in Westminster, the Welsh political landscape remains notably stable, with figures like Mark Drakeford standing out for their unwavering presence at the forefront.

Encompassing roles ranging from special advisor to finance minister, health minister, and First Minister, Mark Drakeford has been a pivotal figure in Welsh Labour for over a quarter of a century. His expertise and dedication to policy intricacies have earned him respect and recognition, making him a sought-after asset in successive cabinets.

Labelled as analytical and detail-obsessed, Drakeford’s academic background shines through in his thorough understanding of complex issues, particularly in his latest appointment as the finance minister. While his knowledge and decisiveness are commendable, his unwavering stance on certain matters has drawn criticism, especially during challenging times such as the Covid-19 pandemic.

Beyond his individual capabilities, Drakeford has also been credited with unifying Welsh Labour, his departure leading to notable turbulence within the party. His alignment with the traditional values of Welsh Labour, advocacy for devolution, and party loyalty have solidified his position as a centripetal force in Welsh politics.

However, as Drakeford assumes the role of finance minister, he faces perhaps his most formidable challenge yet – steering Wales through tough financial decisions with limited resources. With little funding expected from Westminster until the next election, Drakeford’s stance on prioritising Welsh interests over party allegiance will be put to the test.

In navigating this delicate balance, Mark Drakeford’s ability to advocate for Wales while managing internal and external expectations will determine his legacy and long-standing influence in Welsh politics. The path ahead is fraught with challenges, but Drakeford’s tenure as finance minister will undoubtedly shape the future of Wales under his leadership.