The superfood you should eat four times a day to lower blood pressure and heart attack and stroke risk

A recent study has identified a group of ‘superfoods’ that can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Published in BMC Medicine, the research focused on cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and kale, showing that consuming these vegetables can lower blood pressure in adults with mild hypertension. By eating four daily servings of cruciferous vegetables over a two-week period, individuals can help keep their blood pressure in check, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular events.

The study highlighted that cruciferous vegetables have been historically researched for their anti-cancer properties and have now shown potential benefits for cardiovascular disease. Some of the cruciferous vegetables listed in the study include arugula, bok choy, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, and radishes, among others. commented that incorporating these vegetables into one’s diet could lead to a 5% reduction in the risk of major cardiovascular events.

To conduct the research, 18 participants aged between 56 and 72 with mild to moderately high blood pressure were selected. The participants consumed four daily servings of cruciferous vegetables, leading to a notable reduction in their 24-hour brachial systolic blood pressure. While the daytime blood pressure decreased, the nighttime blood pressure remained unaffected. The study’s authors, Emma Connolly and Lauren Blekkenhorst, noted a 2.5 mmHg reduction in 24-hour ambulatory systolic blood pressure, translating to a potential 5% lower risk of experiencing a major cardiovascular disease event.

The findings suggest that increasing the consumption of cruciferous vegetables could have significant impacts on reducing the burden of cardiovascular disease. These vegetables are not commonly a major part of adult diets, so strategies to boost their intake could lead to substantial health benefits. By promoting the incorporation of cruciferous vegetables into daily meals, individuals may improve their heart health and lower their risk of cardiovascular events.

In conclusion, the study underscores the importance of including cruciferous vegetables in one’s diet to help maintain healthy blood pressure levels and reduce the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes. With their potential anti-cancer and cardiovascular benefits, these ‘superfoods’ offer a natural and effective way to support heart health and overall well-being.