‘I’m a weight loss coach – here’s the best ways to keep on track when dieting’

A weight loss coach has provided valuable insights on how to sustain progress while dieting. Soraya, known as @project.s.lifestyle on TikTok, has amassed a following of 470,000 individuals whom she guides in achieving their desired physique without completely giving up their preferred foods. In a recent video, she shared ten enduring habits to assist people in consistently shedding weight.

Soraya’s first tip is to drink water before meals to avoid overeating, as thirst can sometimes be mistaken for hunger. Planning healthy meals in advance is her second recommendation to maintain focus and avoid deviating from dietary goals. Additionally, she suggests monitoring daily step counts through smartphones to stay conscious of activity levels, advising users to check their steps whenever they glance at their phones.

The weight loss coach also encourages individuals to break the cycle of mindless scrolling by engaging in physical activity like walking outdoors or using a stationary bike. She introduces the ‘plate rule’, which involves filling half the plate with vegetables and fruits, a quarter with lean proteins like chicken or tofu, and the remaining quarter with wholegrain carbs such as quinoa or brown rice.

Among Soraya’s lifestyle tips are opting for stairs instead of escalators, taking post-meal walks, ensuring 7-9 hours of sleep each night to regulate hormones and prevent late-night snacking, and keeping healthy snacks handy to avoid impulsive fast food stops. Setting specific meal times and using alarms to prompt eating are also advocated by Soraya.

Her video garnered significant support and praise on social media platforms, with viewers expressing gratitude for the valuable guidance. One individual thanked her for the insightful information, while another commended the plate rule for simplifying meal planning without the need for calorie counting. Soraya’s holistic approach to weight loss has resonated positively with her audience, highlighting the importance of sustainable habits in achieving long-term results.