Zoom backgrounds that cause people issues revealed

Video and moving backgrounds on Zoom calls are causing mental and physical exhaustion for participants, according to new research. Unlike static or blurred backgrounds, video backgrounds constantly introduce new information, demanding increased attention and cognitive resources. This phenomenon, known as “Zoom fatigue,” results from the continuous interruption of attention during virtual meetings. A study published in Frontiers in Psychology revealed that people using nature-themed or light-hearted backgrounds reported lower levels of fatigue compared to those using other virtual backgrounds or none.

Lead author Heng Zhang, from the Nanyang Technological University Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information in Singapore, explained that image backgrounds can shift attention, blurred backgrounds offer occasional glimpses of reality, and video backgrounds constantly demand attention. Previous research has also shown that individuals tend to focus on themselves during video calls, leading to mental exhaustion. The current study involved over 600 remote workers aged 22 to 76, who participated in online meetings from home three days a week. Participants were asked about their use of virtual backgrounds and their levels of general, visual, social, motivational, and emotional fatigue.

The majority of participants used virtual backgrounds during video calls, with still images being the most popular choice. Nature-themed backgrounds were particularly favoured, followed by interior spaces and workplace photos. Interestingly, individuals using “funny” backgrounds reported lower video call fatigue than those using nature-themed ones. The study suggested that using light-hearted backgrounds may reduce stress related to self-presentation, leading to lower fatigue levels. In contrast, office or public space settings could increase self-presentational pressure and result in increased fatigue.

Mr Zhang recommended nature-themed image backgrounds for work settings due to their potential to reduce fatigue. The research highlights the impact of virtual backgrounds on participants’ well-being during online meetings and offers insights into selecting backgrounds that can lessen Zoom fatigue. The findings provide valuable guidance for remote workers looking to enhance their virtual meeting experiences and combat the challenges of prolonged video conferencing.