Welsh National Opera strike plans paused after ‘productive discussions’

Welsh National Opera Strike Plans Paused After ‘Productive Discussions’

Planned strikes by members of the chorus at the Welsh National Opera (WNO) will be “paused” following talks in a dispute over cuts. Equity stated that strikes planned for September 21 and 29 will not take place after “productive discussions” with WNO management over the past week. However, a strike scheduled for Friday, October 11 remains in place, and chorus members will still take action short of a strike throughout the season, as originally intended.

Although no final agreement has been reached, the pause in strike action aims to allow for further negotiations to address core concerns raised by the chorus members, including job losses, pay cuts, and compulsory redundancies. Simon Curtis, Equity Wales official, expressed optimism about the recent engagement from WNO management but highlighted that ensuring the job security and livelihoods of the chorus members is paramount. He emphasised that while strike action is on hold, reaching a comprehensive agreement with WNO management remains the ultimate goal.

Equity conveyed that while strike action is currently paused, ongoing apprehensions persist among the chorus members regarding the potential ramifications of management’s proposed cuts. The decision to halt the strikes temporarily reflects a mutual desire to continue discussions and work towards a resolution that safeguards the chorus members’ interests.

The outcome of these ongoing negotiations will be critical in determining the future course of action by the Welsh National Opera chorus members as they seek to protect their roles within the organisation amidst challenging times.

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