A 12-year-old girl named Lacey-Mae Spong-McCelland has been receiving special assistance to cope with her life challenges after being diagnosed with a brain tumour and suffering a stroke. At just four years old, Lacey-Mae faced the devastating news of a brain tumour near her optic nerve, leading to emergency surgery and subsequent stroke. Her father, Rob, made the tough decision to become her full-time carer after the surgery in 2016. The family recently spent Christmas and New Year at a London hospital where Lacey-Mae underwent her fifth round of treatment to create more quality time together.
Following years of being Lacey-Mae’s primary carer, the strain on Rob and his wife, Donna, prompted nurses to recommend a referral to the Ty Hafan hospice for respite care. In early 2024, the family decided to take a much-needed break, acknowledging that the situation had become overwhelming. Lacey-Mae’s first stay at Ty Hafan’s facility in Sully last August allowed her parents some rest while knowing she was in capable hands, offering accommodation for parents on-site and providing overnight care by dedicated staff.
Despite initial apprehension, Rob found comfort in the care provided by Ty Hafan, as it allowed him to step away briefly, fostering a sense of relaxation and trust. Lacey-Mae, now nearing her teenage years, engages in art-psychotherapy sessions at Ty Hafan to help her comprehend her condition. Her sociable nature shines through as she interacts with other children at the hospice, mitigating the limitations posed by transitioning schools. Having undergone multiple rounds of chemotherapy treatments, Lacey-Mae is currently undergoing treatment in London, culminating in 28 sessions over six weeks.
Throughout her health struggles, Lacey-Mae maintains a positive outlook and infectious smile. Rob acknowledges the invaluable support from Ty Hafan in providing a conducive environment for her care. The hospice not only offers respite for families but also facilitates social interactions for children like Lacey-Mae, contributing to their holistic well-being. Acknowledging the emotional toll of leaving his daughter with caregivers, Rob emphasises the importance of Ty Hafan’s tailored support, particularly for Lacey-Mae’s unique needs, ensuring she receives one-on-one care.
The journey for Lacey-Mae and her family illustrates resilience, love, and the significance of holistic care in navigating life’s challenges. As they continue to navigate her treatment and care, the support from Ty Hafan serves as a vital pillar for their well-being and quality of life. The story of Lacey-Mae and her family exemplifies the power of resilience, community support, and the profound impact of organisations like Ty Hafan in providing comprehensive care for individuals and families facing health adversities. Through art-psychotherapy, social interactions, and tailored support, Lacey-Mae finds solace and strength to navigate her health journey, embodying courage and positivity in the face of adversity.